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The American Dream and promise Act

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The American Dream and promise Act Empty The American Dream and promise Act

Message  MurielB Dim 11 Aoû - 22:25

The American Dream is the idea that anyone living in the United States, through hard work, courage, and determination, can become prosperous
The bill The American Dream and promise Act would permanently protect Dreamers – undocumented individuals who were brought to the U.S. as children – and long-term beneficiaries of the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program, which provides temporary protection to individuals from countries experiencing crisis conditions.
Even for an adult who entered the country illegally, the dream of becoming American is not impossible. But it's difficult. The easiest route is by marriage to a US citizen, although this means exiting the country while the application is considered a process that could take years. Most Americans feel that the path to citizenship should be made easier, in particular for those who came to the US as children. This group of 594,120 individuals, who were raised and educated in the USA, are known as Dreamers. A project bill now in Congress would  make it possible for them to become naturalized Americans. Its name, fittingly, is the American Dream and promise Act.

The American Dream and promise Act Image_10
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