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Aiming to push genomics forward in new study vocable 681 The New york times by Andrew Pollack

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Aiming to push genomics forward in new study vocable 681 The New york times by Andrew Pollack Empty Aiming to push genomics forward in new study vocable 681 The New york times by Andrew Pollack

Message  MurielB Ven 28 Fév - 14:47

Hello everyone.
It is interesting but dangerous. Studies  will take place among all the  family members won't they ? In this case people are going to be scared and frightened at the idea of having inherited illnesses. Sometimes there is no treatment whatsoever and it is no use upsetting people. What do you think ?

“Scientifically and medically, it’s pretty exciting,” said Dr. Leslie G. Biesecker, chief of the genetic disease research branch at the government’s National Human Genome Research Institute, who is familiar with the project. “As far as I’m aware, it’s the largest clinical sequencing undertaking in this country so far by a long shot.” He added that the move of sequencing into general health care “is going to change medicine.”

Aiming to push genomics forward in new study vocable 681 The New york times by Andrew Pollack Image_10
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