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Translating English protocol for a wider audience The New york Times by Jenniver Conlin vocable 693

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Translating English protocol for a wider audience The New york Times by Jenniver Conlin vocable 693 Empty Translating English protocol for a wider audience The New york Times by Jenniver Conlin vocable 693

Message  MurielB Dim 21 Sep - 9:57

“We teach traditional manners for today’s modern environment,” she said, explaining that the company’s students range in age from school- and college-age children (learning interviewing skills and social media etiquette) to international families and businessmen. Whether they need to find a nanny, are hoping to join a charitable board or need advice on how to dress or entertain, the English Manner is there to assist
Do you want to know more about The English manners ?
the English Manner is a British company that provides international training and consultancy in “contemporary etiquette, protocol, the arts, social skills and household and event planning” to high-net-worth individuals and corporations.
British Etiquette

From apologising and afternoon tea to queuing and talking about the weather, those behaviours are very important if you want to live in London or in any other part of England.
5 years ago when the company "The English manner started there was a lull in the British etiquette. Because a lot of foreigners are now living in London they thought it was very important to focus more on the British manner rules.

What do you think ? Do you think rules are important to better integrate a culture or do you think it is unnecessary and old fashioned to do so.

Translating English protocol for a wider audience The New york Times by Jenniver Conlin vocable 693 Image_10
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Language is The Link,
La Lengua es el Nexo de unión,
Sprache ist die Verbindung, 
Il Linguaggio è Il Legame,
La Lingvo estas La Ligilo etc.

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